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Prevent Mold Growth with an A/C Unit Service


Have Your A/C Unit Serviced to Prevent Mold Growth

With the hot summers in Utah, almost everyone has an A/C unit in their home or business. Over time, dust and debris flow past the air filter and begin to accumulate on the air handler, blower, and duct system of the air conditioner. This combined with damp air and condensation build-up provides the perfect breeding ground for mold growth. That is why we will show you how to prevent mold growth.

Ways to Prevent Mold Growth

  • Annual HVAC Inspections and Servicing.

    HVAC professional will inspect the drip pan and drain lines for the presence of mold.  The evaporator will also be checked if there is an indication of mold in the drip pan.  Annual servicing will allow the technician to identify any potential issues and clean and disinfect problem areas.

  • Use the Correct HVAC Filter.

    In order to stop a decent percentage of dust and debris particulates from getting into the air handler and duct, a good-quality pleated air filter will do the trick.  Make sure you can’t see through the filter, that’s not a good-quality filter.  It’s equally important to inspect your air filter monthly and change as necessary.

  • Have Your HVAC Technician Install A UV Light.

    This might seem like an unnecessary step, but UV lights are wonderful for fighting bacteria.  Hospitals, clinics, research labs, and even meat markets use UV lights to ward off bacteria.  They put out a high-frequency ultraviolet light with no heat.  This will prevent the growth of mold in your A/C unit and it will prevent the return of mold after a thorough cleaning of an infested unit.  If you install the UV light yourself, use extreme caution and make sure you know what you’re doing.  UV light can burn your retinas.

  • Do Your Own A/C Inspections.

    A few things you can do yourself can prevent the mold growth.  Inspect the return and handler of your A/C unit often.  Look for discoloration, corrosion, or any standing water.  Note any water staining caused from condensation or faulty components.  Be aware of mildew or condensation on windows and vents.  This could be a sign of mold buildup.  Trust your senses.  If your home or office smells earthy or musky mixed with a bit of humidity, there may be a mold issue.   If you see mold growth on window caulking or discoloration around vents, contact mold remediation experts in Salt Lake City, Utah, Green Home Air, for a mold remediation appointment.

Mold Remediation Experts in Salt Lake City, UT

Mold growth in A/C units is a major health concern, especially with those dealing with respiratory issues.  It can do terrible things to one’s health.  Be sure to have your A/C unit serviced to prevent mold growth.  Green Home Air are the best mold remediation experts in Salt Lake City, UT. Our team is trained and qualified to service and clean your A/C unit so you don’t have to worry about the risk of mold exposure.

Read more on “Physical Signs & Symptoms of Mold Exposure.”

For more information, please contact Green Home Air:

Green Home Air:

3704 Laurelcrest St

Salt Lake City, UT 84109

(801) 784-2401

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